Quote Originally Posted by Melanie View Post
... is it's sloooooooow movement out to the middle of the lagoon with video on it teaching us to be all peaceful and harmonizing.
Evidently you've never watched it from off-angle. If you're watching it come toward you (or away from you), it is gliding slowly and serenely, yes. If you are watching it from the side, that thing is HAULING across the water!

I think it does help if you can follow the story the globe is telling. The whole show is telling a story, just like Fantasmic! does -- and if you know the story, it makes an otherwise slightly bewildering and disjointed show come together a bit better.

I agree with others that the IllumiNations pre-show music, show music and Tapestry parade music are some of the best. (Although the parts of Tapestry of Dreams with the overly dramatic kids talking about "showing us your dreams" make Wishes look positively cynical by contrast!)