I finally convinced my DH to have Dinner on property during our next visit. Here is how it started. On our last visit we left the park and couldn’t thing of anywhere to eat we were a group of 14. Of course everyone kept saying "I don’t care where we eat", but couldn’t name any places. As we pulled out of the lot. I told him "ya know there are so many great places to eat on property" his response which I could have him was "how come we never eat on property" well HONEY you always want to grab other things in the hurry or go off somewhere. sorry for that, but I just needed to explain why we never eat on property and it’s not a money issue. We have done Chief Mickey’s and also Liberty Tree Tavern when the kids we're younger SO this is my big question to all of you. Where should I book for dinner? He is not picky nor am I the kids will eat whatever, but I want him to really like it so we can stop all this crazy off property eating and start enjoying Disney restaurants.
We mostly book off property. He likes to cook, but there are those times when we leave late from the park that I would rather just go somewhere nice..(and not have to clean up )