I'm planning to buy a Kindle very soon but I'm debating with myself which one to purchase. I would love to hear your opinions please!!! I'm having difficulty deciding between the original Kindle ($69), the Paperwhite ($119), and the Fire HD 7" ($199). Here's a little background info: I have an iPhone with the Kindle app and an extensive Kindle ebook library so my purchase will be a Kindle - no other e-readers will be considered and as much as I'd love an iPad mini, it's not in the budget. I do love the convenience of reading on my phone as it's ALWAYS with me but it does sometimes bother my eyes if I read for long periods of time. I have read that the e-ink of the Kindle / Kindle Paperwhite is easier on the eyes than the Fire. I'm also thinking that I will likely only use the Kindle for reading but that's where I'm getting confused. I do seriously love my iPhone and I have tons of apps but I wasn't planning to get a 3G Kindle so it seems that much of the Kindle Fire's features might be rather useless without 3G? I have a laptop at home so I have no need for a tablet at home. And with an iPhone, do I really need the Fire's extras? I don't want to buy the Fire then not really use it or have it bother my eyes but I don't want to not buy one then regret it later. The price for the original Kindle is tempting but I read alot at night so I would need an external light - I've never been a fan of clip-on booklights. The Paperwhite has the built-in light which is great but I'm not sure if it's worth $50 for a built-in light despite my hatred of booklights. If you have a Kindle, which one do you have and what do you like or dislike about it? Again, I am only considering Kindles and I am leaning towards the Paperwhite. Thanks!