Anyone else have big changes happening in your life as you have gotten older?

We moved to the east coast- no family or friends here. Been here a couple of years and have not met anyone to go out to lunch, shop with...

Both of our daughters graduated last year. So no more school activities, after school rushing around to dance and concerts.

I have tryed joining a couple groups but even though the people have been nice, they have been friends for years and years. Nice, but haven't met anyone that really clicks as a good friend to hang out with.

Just a strange point in my life. After a lifetime
of friends, family, and 23 years of kid activities I am in limbo. Most of the family in the Midwest
have passed away. Don't have much contact with the few that are still living there.

Not trying to mop but ........I just wondered if
anyone else is going through empty nest, moving to a new part of the country when you are older,
and becoming the oldest generation and missing family members and the large family gatherings
that used to happen.

I think the biggest mistake I made was giving up a career 24 years ago. I don't regret all the time with my girls when they were younger, all the volunteering, room mom, Girl Scouts, hours waiting for gym, swim and dance meets and competitions but I wish I had a career rather than just a job. And at 58 I not want to go back to school.

Just wondering if anyone is going through any of these life changing events and how you are coping.