I have several goals for this year.

#1 is to get in shape. DH races, does triathlons, and is soooo much more active than the boys and I. Even tho the kids play sports, we all need to get in better shape. Our family goal is to run a 5K together before summer gets here, then to build on that. Should be interesting since I hate running.

#2 is to downsize the amount of stuff we have in our house. I am the type that has "a place for everything, and everything in its place". So my house always looks clean and organized, but we have way too much stuff. I started with our hall closet and my boys bathroom. Got rid of 5 or so trash bags of sheet sets, blankets, beach towels, and just stuff we haven't used in over a year. It's all got to go! LOL.

#3 is to save more money. Enough said.

Good luck to everyone! Here's hoping 2013 is a great year for all our resolutions!