Well. Here it is! 2013. And with it, this year's Healthy Living Club. Hopefully one of the mods will see this and make it a sticky thread.

For myself, I intend to stay in the gym until my bike comes out in the spring. Then I want to continue with the workouts AND biking. My beloved wife already thinks I am a little nuts. I found that just riding this year and not going into the gym has left me with good cardio but reduced strength and flexibility. Not to mention incredibly tight IT bands in my legs.

My plans for my beautiful Giant TCR Composite bike this year is to continue commuting the 20 km to and from work once the ice leaves the roads and I won't have to suffer from frostbite. I know, I'm a weanie. I like the idea of saving all that gas. Just not at the cost of losing a toe or nose to the cold.

I would also like to ride at least 2000 km this year and maybe even do a "century" ride. Never gone that far before. My best was 65 km.

So where are you going this year? Let's hear from as many people as we can. Remember we are here to help and encourage each other. Let's hear those neat tips you have gained along the way. Let's also hear about the challenges you are facing. Someone out there may have solutions.
