For all those shopping for the Disney Christmas blend coffee, here's the scoop. After talking with the merchandising department rep this morning, let it be known that any Christmas blend Disney coffee that you may have found and bought this year is really last years left over coffee. The merchandising person in charge of ordering this years roast actually "Forgot" to order it for this season and has since been fired. (Went to Sea World is the word on that) Some limited displays with last years coffee were up but most are now sold out so if you find it, buy it because it won't be there long.

New orders are being placed as the new person settles into his job and they are now taking people on a waiting list who will be contacted when the new order of Christmas coffee is available. I am on that waiting list as of this morning and am hopeful that I will have my Holiday coffee before Christmas. If I find a display with last years somewhere (anybody seen it this week?) I will certainly buy some of that as well! All I can say is....What a mistake!