Woke up this morning to find out that a number of my friends had been let go at work... I am a Labor & Delivery nurse, and have worked alongside some of the best LPNs in the business since I was hired. Our hospital just let ALL of our LPNs go, with no notice... as well as almost all our secretaries, and quite a few "charge nurse" positions. The LPNs I worked with all had 20-25 yrs or more at the hospital, as did the charge nurses... SO very sad.

Over the past few weeks, a number of management people had been let go... but we had been told they were fired for performance issues. Now the hospital is saying it "proactively let go extraneous management positions"... does NOT make you feel safe when stories and reasons bounce around like that!!

There WERE rumblings of layoffs coming, but the assumption was non-nursing... esp on our floors, as Labor & Delivery/postpartum is our biggest, busiest unit, and it's only getting busier. Sometimes to the point that staffing isn't really even safe. We do have a union, so some of these people will be able to "bump" lower seniority people and keep their jobs, but it still means other nurses will then be let go... so just not easy, no matter what.

NOT a fun thing to wake up to... I know it is happening all across the country, and has been going on for years now... but somehow, esp in nursing, you feel safe... but I guess in this day and age, no one is.