Darth Macho’s Dream Trip, Day 14
All Good Things…

The Cast:
DM: Darth Macho (41yo)
DW: Darth Wife (41yo)
DD1: Darth Daughter 1 (11yo)
DD2: Darth Daughter 2 (8yo)

The Stage:
Pop Century Resort

The Report:

It was our last day of the trip. I let the girls sleep, as I got up early to do the last load of laundry before we were to head home. It was nice to come home with all clean clothes after such a long trip. I got them up in time to pack and get ready to check out of the room. Let me say here that WDW makes the check-in, check out, and airline processes a breeze, and it’s nice to have a place to store luggage while you wait for the Magical Express bus.

After we unloaded our baggage, we had our last meal and did a little souvenir shopping at Everything Pop. Once again the food was good but the service was lest than stellar. We finished off the day playing games in the arcade until it was time to catch the bus. I was a little sad as the bus pulled out of Pop, but I was fully satisfied with our 14-day Dream Trip.

Thank you for following along with us on our trip. I hope I didn’t bore you.

Time to go and plan the next one!