Day 3 (9/12) - Epcot

DD did not sleep well. But, her tooth broke through! No more toothless grin for our little princess. I was happily up and wandering POP with her.

We got to Epcot just a few minutes after 9 AM. The plan was to hit Soarin' before the "crowds" came. Turns out we had most of the day to worry about that.

We got DS a stroller, since we had a lot of walking to do that day, and the CM and Sam had a lot to talk about. The CM kept trying to quiz Sam on Disney characters, and DS was up to the task! We must have spent 10 minutes just talking with the stroller guys. Such a fun and unexpected part of our day!

Since DD had finally fallen asleep, DW took DS in to the Land to ride Soarin' (his first time on Soarin'!), while DD and I stayed outside. After just a few minutes, they returned, having walked right on. DS LOVED it! But, he didn't want to ride it again, so I went in for my solo flight. DS warned me about the golf ball, and I saw the Mickey Mouse on it for the first time. And as an old Horizons fan, I especially love the orange smell.

On to The Seas with Nemo (and lots of pictures outside, of course). The ride was a walk-on, and still a big favorite with DS. Turtle Talk with Crush was fun, and DS sat on the floor by himself for the first time. And, while we were waiting in the lobby, DD stood up against the aquarium...the first time she's held herself up! Lots of milestones today.

We were already getting hungry, but Journey Into Imagination was calling. My mom had gotten DS a little stuffed Figment a couple of years ago, and he's been one of DS's favorites ever since. I think we may have broken records on the number of times we rode this ride today. We rode 3 straight times this morning (by the third time, DW went off to find a place to change DD). And the play area after Imagination was practically empty, so DS got to play as long as he wanted with everything. I still REALLY miss the old Image Works, but this was a lot of fun for DS.

By now, it was still only about 10:30. We passed by the Character Spot, and thought now would be a good time to meet the Mouse. The wait was only about 15 minutes, and we met some wonderful families in line (there were a lot of Make A Wish families down this time of year, and their stories are always so inspiring). DD wasn't too sure what to think of the characters, but DS was in heaven. After a whole lot of great pictures, DS and I went to ride Imagination one more time, while DW and DD went shopping.

Then it was on to Mexico, where the eating would begin! This was what DW and I were most excited about. Eating everything we saw. Along the way, we saw the kiosk for the Agent P adventure, and DS wanted to help Agent P, so, figuring this was just something we could do at our own pace, we stopped. Only to find out if you don't complete the mission in a certain amount of time, the phone times out. So we had to delay our eating for 20 minutes while DS kept Dr. Doofenschmirtz from forcing bad hair on the entire Mexican tri-state area. This whole thing is really well done, and very cute....but I was soooooo hungry.

Once Dr. D. was defeated, we went to the Cantina for Tacos de Carne with chips, salsa and churros with caramel sauce for dessert (we figured we'd split meals throughout WS for maximum eating potential). These tacos were the best tacos I have ever had. So good. And to add churros to the plate....Life was grand. And the we added to the bill didn't hurt either. They have done such a great job renovating this area.

DS wanted to ride the boat ride, and DD had ripped the top two buttons off my shirt (making me look like an overweight Tom Selleck impersonator), so while DW and DS rode, I went and bought my retro Epcot Center t-shirt (I will remember to thank DD for the excuse to buy what is now my favorite shirt). Then, as per the pattern, I rode with DS. He was literally guffawing every time he saw Donald. And everyone in the boat was laughing at how much he was enjoying the ride.

Every once in a while you are reminded of why these parks were built. Sure, I get on Intercot and talk about the expansion plans, and sometimes complain about maintenance and what-not. But riding this with my 4 year old son really made me remember why Walt started DL. It was a place for the whole family to get together and have fun. And this silly little boat ride in the Mexico pavilion made me feel like the happiest and richest man in the world.

Anyway, Sam enjoyed the ride so much, that this time the whole family had to ride together. No problem. When we got off the ride, he happily announced to the CM "third time's the charm".

To Norway. Too full to eat anything, we took pictures of each other in viking helmets, bought DS a copy of Three Billy Goats Gruff (his favorite book that we lost a few months ago), skipped the ride (for two reasons - one, Sam was afraid of the bad trolls, and two, Erin and I are big fans of the Kingdom Keepers books, and I didn't want the polar bears to come after me).

China. Eh. The food was uninteresting and the shop was just okay. We moved on.

Germany. Beer and pretzel! Another call to the parents to let them know that we were having the best time ever, and to thank them for putting up with our crazy schedules this summer. "Let's do some shopping" says DW. "Okay, how 'bout the toy store" says I. "Great idea" says DW.

And that's how Duffy came into our lives.

DS jumped out of his stroller, ran to Duffy and hugged him like he was auditioning for a WDW commercial. After a chorus of "Awws" from the surrounding guests and CMs, we bought Duffy. Sam has still not let go of him. I have to say, as much as Disney Marketing worked on this one...$30 really was a small price to pay if you saw how happy this bear makes him.

We walked through Italy, briefly. The perfume in the store is way too overpowering for us, and the mime, Sergio, was a little too...well...mimey for us.

On to, and past, the American Adventure. Both kids were already asleep by now, so we had no need to see the show.

We did get a latte on our snack credit. Turns out, we didn't have the appetite we thought we would. So far, we've used two snacks and one meal, and it was already 2 PM.

We wandered through Japan, but with the kids still asleep, we thought we'd come back here for dinner. So on to Morocco!

The sounds of Mo'Rockin' woke up DS, which was fine. We got the Lamb & Chicken Shwarma platter here. Easily the best use of a single meal credit ever! Lamb, Chicken, pita, couscous, tabouleh, hummus and baklava! We spent a half hour eating and listeing to MoRockin'!

At this point, we went back to Germany to meet Snow White. While in line, we met a couple from Rhode Island who had just gotten engaged. Turns out, he proposed to her during curtain call of their last show (I proposed to my wife during curtain call of a show too!). We talked shop while waiting for our turn. When we got up there, Sam displayed his usual panache, and had a conversation with Snow White. He told her all about how he was a good pirate. Snow White, bless her heart, tried to mention that the Evil Queen was around, and she thought the storm that had come through that morning was a result of the Evil Queen casting a which my 4 year old son replied, "No, that's called weather." Everyone waiting had a good laugh at that. And it turns out DD is not afraid of princesses at all, and was enamored with Snow White's dress. After explaining to Snow White about his crew and all the treasure he had to find, Sam said good-bye to Snow White, and we made our way back to Mexico for more boat rides.

Walking back past the promenade from Mexico to Canada, we saw the costumed Duffy, and we got right in line for some pictures that we'll use for Christmas cards for years to come! We even have a great shot of the people waiting in line making "awww" faces while Sam hugged both his Duffy and the costumed Duffy.

We just walked past Canada. Nothing personal, but there wasn't much there for our kids.

Did some sight-seeing in UK, and even though I had planned to make a Fish & Chips stop, I was still way too full from Morocco, so we wandered over to France. Got some great pictures with Marie, and got the kids silhouettes done (took us maybe 5 minutes). While shopping in France, I grabbed a times guide, and noticed that Imagination closed at 7 PM (it was currently 6:45). I wasn't sure if it stayed open on EMH nights, and considering how much DS loved it, I wasn't willing to risk it. So DS and I booked it to Imagination, while DD and DW stayed behind in France, where they dined on cream puffs and wine (okay, so DW dined and wined...DD had formula and cheerios).

Turns out Imagination was open all night for EMH. But better safe than sorry, right?

We met back up with DD and DW at SE. DW and DS went on their journey through time, while DD and I did a little shopping. Then it was my turn to ride with DS, who, as it turns out, thinks that the go-go boots in the computer scene are hilarious.

We were finally hungry again, so we went to the Sunshine Seasons pavilion in the Land. WOW. Even more really good food. Mongolian beef and fried rice for me, Seared Tuna salad for DW and....the lackluster Uncrustables PB & J for DS (who didn't eat it, because it was the wrong shape for a PB & J...oh well, we're on vacation, and he was doing well up until this point). We both had cheesecake for dessert.

By now, it was getting to be 9 PM, and DS and I headed over to Imagination for one last ride while DD and DW went on Living with the Land (or at least tried to...turns out I had the room keys with me, and EMH had just started...oops). DS enjoyed singing along, and knowing exactly when to cover his nose in the Scent Lab, and when to cover his ears in the finale.