I have had a lot of health issues this past year, and DH and I have been planning a trip in November to celebrate my good health! I have been SO EXCITED and really enjoying the planning of our trip! However, after the debacle of the ADR's for Be Our Guest yesterday, I'm worried that our nice relaxing trip might turn into a circus! I even considered cancelling things altogether I was so frustrated!

Our plans were made before the dates of the opening were released. At first I thought it was all meant to be and I was very excited, but will the crowds make things unmanagable? Or will it only be crazy in that area? I've never been to an opening of this magnitude, and I wasn't sure how organized things would be. I am so rattled from calling yesterday and not getting through, I want my excited magical feelings back!

My plan was to just check out the expansion, and I am expecting crowds, but I just don't want this to impact our trip negatively. Should I reschedule our trip for a few weeks before the opening? We were heading down Nov 13th-21st.

Any words of encouragement/suggestions for handling the opening would be greatly appreciated!