Trip members:
Me, barnaby, 37 YO husband
Wife, age 37
Son, age 11

We booked this trip last year (June) and have been slowly counting down ever since. To say we are excited to be leaving in 7 days is a big understatement.

Day 1 (Sat, Aug 25)
Plan is to leave Friday night (Aug 15th) from NJ at 6PM, drive overnight and arrive at Pop Century on Saturday around 12PM. We'll check in and hang out by the pool until our room is ready. Then unpack, grab some dinner and hit Animal Kingdom (Son's pick). It will probably be an early evening after a long drive.

Day 2 (Sun, Aug 26)
Back to AK, maybe catch the parade, then head over to Magic Kingdom for evening EMHS and Wishes.

Day 3 (Mon, Aug 27)
AK again and Epcot for most of the day and catch Illuminations that night.

Day 4 (Tues, Aug 28)
Arrive at MK early to catch the opening. Head to Hollywood Studios in the evening for attractions and Fantasmic.

Day 5 (Weds, Aug 29)
Back to DHS and stay all day to catch all the shows.

Day 6 (Thurs, Aug 30)
Basically a free day with no plans. Definitely some swimming, maybe some mini golf. Probably hit Epcot again.

Day 7 (Fri, Aug 31)
Breakfast at Ohana! and then MK for the day and night. Last day in MK has been the tradition on the Friday before we leave. Typically, it has evening EMHs. But this year they are at Epcot.

General plan is to work in swim breaks and rest breaks. We are planners, but typically stick to the basic plan and do go with the flow with no problems.
Also, we intend to slow down and enjoy the parks. Not just be attraction-centric but catch some of the smaller shows like the Pirate Tutorial and Streetmosphere.

Looking forward to a great trip.