Day 8, June 23

This morning we went to Epcot for the final time. We had an ADR at Chef de France for noon in the hopes to see Remy. We hit up Soarin’ for some FPs and then went over to check out Nemo and Crush. I just think that the Nemo ride is weak and they could’ve done a much better job there. Sigh. Crush was great and then we enjoyed the Seas Pavilion. I’m a little fuzzy about what we did next, Figgie maybe? ( I know I’ve missed something, we did Ellen’s ride at some point in our trip, was it now?) Anyways we eventually headed over to France for our ADR. The girls met Marie (no one in line) and then we were in the first wave of people let into CdF. I did see a group of four get a walk in, no ADR, so if you’re there at open you never know…

I was so looking forward to this meal, I had it all planned out. A glass of white wine, escargots, French onion soup, mac and cheese for the girls and the Crepes Florentine for me. I got the prix fix meal and then added the escargots and the crepes. It worked out really well price wise. The escargots were good, but there wasn’t enough garlic (I know, strange) and the crepes were almost burnt (I didn’t want to send them back, gotta eat fast with kids they only have so much sitting time in them). The sauce in the crepes wasn’t a “béchamel” sauce at all but the cheese sauce from the mac and cheese. Sigh, this is one meal that really disappointed, but was saved by Remy.

Remy was adorable, and the man who “handled” him was so funny! The girls just loved it and so did I. Dessert was pretty good so that was a plus (I got the crème brulee). My parents took my older DD over to do Soarin’ (twice) while my Sis and the little one cruised the World Showcase. We happened onto Mulan, who is a favorite with both my girls, but especially my oldest. Since there wasn’t much line we decided to wait. My little one (who says the silliest things) had a good conversation with Mulan. When she asked what my DD likes to do at home she responded “I play with the princesses and princes. They are Barbies. The princes go poop and the princesses go potty.” You should have seen Mulan’s face. My sister actually got a picture of Mulan in total shock. I had to explain that all her toys are potty training since my DD started potty training herself. Mulan recovered and wished my DD good luck with her “training”. Hilarious.

My oldest DD was crushed when she heard the little one met Mulan. What can you do? Well of course my Mom spoiled the kiddos and bought the girls two sets of princess figurines. We left the park after that and once again headed home to nap. After nap was MK time! My Mom booked us the Wishes Dessert Buffet – yum! We decided to hit up Tomorrowland and took a turn on the Peoplemover, danced at the dance party with Pluto and Goofy, travelled back in time with the Carrousel of Progress, took a spin on Buzz and then checked out the Laugh Floor. That last one was a first for me and my girls and it was a hoot!

After all that fun we checked into the Dessert Buffet. Delish! There was a photopass person there and we got a good picture of the whole family (I pre-purchased the CD before the price went up this spring, it is now on its way). I camped out at the rail and got a good spot to watch the castle show and then Wishes. Sigh, it was so magical. We waited about 20 minutes for the crush of people leaving the park to make their way out and had some more desserts. We also got more photopass pics at a different spot with the same photographer.

The bus ride home was the only one we stood on. We didn’t have to wait long, though. My oldest DD assured us she could stand so we didn’t wait for the next bus. Unfortunately those tired legs were only good for five minutes and then she cried the rest of the way home. Oh well. Those tired babies went right to bed and the rest of us started packing. This is when my Droid Incredible by HTC decided to make all my pictures disappear. I was crushed. Sure there were my Dad and Sister’s pics, but I had some stuff on there no one else got! I was so mad and sad. Strangely enough about a week later after restarting my phone the pictures returned, but all my music was deleted. After restarting the phone again later, everything returned. Needless to say I do not recommend this phone.

Tomorrow we would leave WDW, not to return for two years .