Day 2 June 17th

We let the girls sleep in and we were packed and ready to go by 10am. It was wonderful to stay at BLT and I would love to stay there again. The weather was amazing again, not too hot and not too humid. We walked to the MK (love that) where my Dad took our passes and went to get FP’s for BTMRR. In the mean time we stopped to watch the trolley show. The girls and I listen to this song fairly often in the car in the mornings to get us in a good mood, so it was really nice to have a front row seat to see this great little act.

We then hustled over to Dumbo and waited about 20 minutes before we took our flight. After that the girls went on the Tea Cups with my sister and then my oldest DD wanted to drive a car. While she and my sis did that my Dad and I took my little one to the Carrousel. Afterwards we all met up (my Mom had gone to OKW to check us in) and all but my Mom and my little one went on BTMRR. E didn’t really like it this time, so we saved the baby passes for later.

At this point we had lunch at Pecos Bill’s (a really uninspired chicken wrap – far too large) and then we made our way to the Barber shop for C’s first haircut. It was so cute! I had never been to the Harmony BS, and I was surprised how tiny it was. Since we had made an appointment C went to the front of the short line. A few stickers, a spinning light up Minnie, and C had her first cut finished! She got an adorable Mickey ear set with “First Haircut” on it – which she insisted on wearing for most of the afternoon, a certificate and I got a satchel with locks of her hair in it.

We really needed a break so we went back to BLT for swim time. It was just as great today and the girls really enjoyed the pool party as well as the zero entry. That is one of the things I wish OKW had, and I can’t fathom why they didn’t create that when the pool was refurbished a couple of years ago. After swimming we got the girls dressed in their Ariel costumes to go to dinner at CRT.

Dinner at CRT was good and we were at the second table that all the princesses visited. The girls were so adorable in their dresses meeting the princesses! After dinner (which took FOREVER) my parents used our Baby Swap pass from earlier to ride BTMRR while my sis and I took the girls to fly on the magic carpets. Then we met up with my parents at the “yucky pirate ride”. My youngest calls all pirates “yucky” ever since she saw a part of the PoTC movie where the pirates turn into skeletons. She hid her head in my shoulder for the whole first part of the ride (before the slide) but she love the rest. On our way out I bought E a balloon within a balloon that was a highlight for the rest of the trip back at the villa. At this point we finally headed over to OKW, and called it a night.