DH and I are overweight, I will say that I am over 200 pounds and DH is over 300 pounds. We both desire to lose weight, but don't know where to begin to help DH. I did Weight Watchers six years ago and lost over 40 pounds till I got sick and had to have my gall bladder removed, shortly after that, I had 2 kids 13 months apart. I am going to get back on Weight Watchers, and that helps DH. But I know that his dream is to run in the marathon at WDW someday.

I've thought about personal trainers, getting a gym membership... something to motivate him. I think at personal trainer would be really good for him, but I just wondered if anyone else had suggestions. Maybe someone who had lost a significant amount of weight, that could give me some tips. DH and I are very open and willing to accept any advice.