i love rereading these.
a couple more....

1. my sister tells this. She is in the restroom and a mom is cleaning her daughter up who had just "wet" herself. she was maybe 4 or 5. and the mom said "why didn't you just tell me you had to go". and the girl said "tommy and i have a pack that who ever goes to the restroom first the other gets to punch them...and he hits harder than me". t he mom said "well next time you have to go, just squeeze my hand 2 times, i'll say i have to go and take you with me, let's see him hit me!". lol

2. my all time favorite.
my sister and i were on the bus on the way back to the resort after a long day of fun. a little boy, 9 or 10ish comes on and plops between us and says "sisters, who needs them". my sister looks down at him and says "hey, i'm a sister, that's my brother right there" and points to me. the kid looks up at me and says "you know what i'm saying" and we both gave knuckles. he looks across the bus to a girl that is seated accross the bus and she throws a piece of paper at him. he says "that's my aunt, she's not any better. Must be a woman thing" i said "kid it doesn't get much better as you get older." then he mumbles to himself "women. they just have a black heart". to this day when ever my sister and i disagree on something, i tell her she has a very black heart.