Anyone see the bean ball incident over the weekend? Hamels gets a 5 game suspension for admitting he hit Bryce Harper. Looks like Hamels is trying to toughen up his street cred.

Really? Saying you're old school should have gotten you off the hook? The only one who acted professionally was the 19 yr old Harper. He got hit shook it off, took his base then later scored off of Hamels pick off attempt at first base. Harper then gave props to Hamels after the game when asked about the incident. What maturity for a kid. Obviously Hamels was afraid the kid was going to launch a ball off him, and that's why he hit him in the back.

If anything comes out of this, the league should now look at each beanball and issue suspensions. All they have to do is look at the tape of this pitch and compare to any other this season and see the similarities between the two and know exactly when a pitcher is throwing at a batter.

Hamels broke an unwritten rule by admitting to it after the game, I thought you said you were old school. Old schoolers know the unwritten rules like the back of their hand. Rule #1 deny deny deny any wrong doings (what an idiot).

Anyone else have any thoughts?