Right now Disney is not allowing us or anyone apparently to book Illuminations viewing areas. We have a request in and are in the queue but it doesn't look good.

So, instead - we are looking at doing a breakfast prior to park opening at the Living Seas (private area - very cool - more details later) with a special guest to start the day. This will be our big meet where if you go - you get swag, glowy stuff etc. Cost TBD. There is the POTENTIAL that we could do a Soarin ride at the conclusion as the first ride of the day. Won't know for sure for a little while but they are checking into it and getting back to me.

Then later in the day, we'll have a special meet and greet at Norway for the same folks who registered for the morning event with another special guest.

From there, we'll head to a pre-determined meeting spot for a group viewing of illuminations. IF we get a private area, we'll let you know at a later date but at this time, I can't promise it due to the ever growing popularity of the food and wine festival and expected crowds.

So, as soon as we can nail down costs, we'll put a sign up and paypal payment page up and online for you to register to attend the Breakfast Meet.

That's all for now, wanted to keep you posted!