Monorail to EPCOT. We had no problems with any bus or monorail service this entire visit ( except the last morning but that is an entire story by itself that will have to wait until departure day)

The weather was HOT and sunny and started getting a little more humid. The evenings were beautiful! I did not wear a jacket from the moment we arrived in Florida. We were very lucky.

Spaceship Earth was packed so we moved on to the Land. EPCOT was crowded. Moved through the crowds and Stephanie stops to get her first of many sips of soft drink samples from Ice Station Cool. Fast passes for Soaring. Circle of Life and Living with the Land without too long of waits.

Walked to Canada for a meet with Meg (Dopey's Girl) enjoyed talking with her and her friend and looking forward to seeing another familiar face at the Octobet meet

Made it halfway around World Showcase and headed back to the Land for our meal at Garden Grill!

Our meal was great and I love the relaxing, cool place to rest. During the meal, a sound like a light bulb popping out and 4 or 5 of the lights over the tables go out. Either a circuit or something went out and they were trying to figure out what was happening. Still had people looking and waiters chuckling about it when we left.

Went back to finish the countries. Shopping in Japan is always the best.

I have seen a lot of great oldie but goodie groups during the Flower Festival but that Peter Negro (?) from Three Dog Night sounded bad. I have albums from the group but he shouldn't be singing anymore.

Speaking of the Flower Show, I didn't see anything new this year. Same stuff, just moved around. Guess if it was your first show, it was great. But no wow factor if you have been in the year or two.

Illuminations was wonderful!!

EPCOT was open late -didn't do a lot since we had had a long day but went through spaceship earth.

Back to room for a few hours sleep before our next full day!