So, I'm reading "The Epcot Explorer's Encyclopedia", and it describes all of the attractions that have ever been at Epcot, and all the changes that have taken place.

I've got to say, all those of you who claim that Epcot is going downhill, who miss Horizons and World of Motion...I don't see it. Granted, I never experienced those attractions. But from what i've read, they were *very* similar to Spaceship Earth. They used Omni-movers to take you through various scenes filled with animatronics and a narrator explaining the history of travel, or the possibilities of the future.

I'm sure that when they came out, they were interesting to ride on....Spaceship Earth is one of my favorites, even after the refurbs. But the one omnimover ride with audio-animatronics is enough. I like the changes that have been made.

I do wish I could have seen the Wonders of Life pavilion in its heyday.