Quote Originally Posted by Jared View Post
Soarin'? It's a wonderful attraction, but it does not even bother with story -- every Disney fan's favorite buzzword.It also shows why Disney ignores its fans with nearly every decision it makes.
I actually agree with a lot of what you say, but this is just ridiculous. History is littered with the shuttered doors of companies that ignored their fans because they thought they knew better. If you're actually lauding Disney for ignoring its fan base, then you need to brush up on your business history. It's essentially the kiss of death.

Now if you're saying they're ignoring their hardcore fans in favor of going for a broader appeal I don't agree with that either, but at least it's a more defensible nuance.

Quote Originally Posted by big blue and hairy View Post
I agree with that, but I'm sure Disney is trying to build it during the biggest surge, not toward the end like HP. It's a calculated risk.
Quote Originally Posted by Aurora View Post
When I first read this I went, "Huh?" with a lot of other people. And I get the negative comments. But even if you've never seen the movie or know the story, if Disney does this right, they could really have something.

First, James Cameron is a BIG thinker. In Disneyspeak, he likes to "plus" things. He uses technology to his strongest advantage in his films, and he definitely gets "immersion" into a place and time. And, big exclamation point, he likes to spend money to make things look good.
Okay so, like many people, when I first heard this I had a gut negative reaction. Avatar wasn't a film that appealed to me, I had no interest then and still have no interest now in seeing it.

But the more I've thought about it, and the more I've read some of the comments in this thread, the more I think I like it. I mean, I may not like the ultimate product (or I may, who knows considering it's 4 years from opening), but I like that Disney is "going for it" with this. I've been uber-critical of them in the past for being too slow to capitalize on opportunities. I killed them for opening an American Idol attraction in the Studios like five years after AI ceased to be really relevant.

Here they're taking a chance. Yeah, Avatar may ultimately not have the staying power to match it's first-movie hype (I think the Matrix analogy is perfect), but then again maybe it'll become the next Harry Potter. At least Disney is out in front of it this time. I'll give them props for taking a risk on a project that is sure to be uber-pricey.

And I agree about Cameron. The guy is known for being a stickler for details. I can only imagine what this land will look like when it's built out and it's undeniable that the theme is a perfect match for AK. That plus the fact that I'm just happy they're finally going to spend some money on Animal Kingdom!

Would I have preferred that they built Beastly Kingdomme? Sure. No doubt. But hey ... this could end up being better. It could, in theory at least, end up being the best theme park experience anywhere ever.

I just hope Disney realizes that they could also end up four years from now with a land in Animal Kingdom that no one wants to visit.