Our family of five took our first vacation both as a family and to WDW. We arrived on 9/10 and 9/11 was my oldest's birthday and our first day in the parks. That night she got sick with a stomach bug. It then proceeded to domino its way through all of the kids plus DH and then finally me. Since we had to check out on the 14th, we were stuck driving while someone was sick.

I was/am the only driver so the day it was me was horrible. My kids got to spend only 4 hours in the parks, total. I didn't get to see them see Mickey . My poor DD1 got sick on her birthday. We basically all cried at some point.

I am actually pretty heartbroken over all of this. We had been building up this trip so much and more than once heard - "this is the worst vacation ever" from my sick and sad kids.

I ended up getting pulled over for speeding during all of this (totally my fault) during which my scared 6 year old said while crying - "I'm too young to go to jail!". All three kids screamed and cried despite us doing our best to calm them down.

The night we got home we had to take our 18 mo old to the ER because he was just inconsolably crying that I was so worried.

We've been home about 3.5 full days now and I just want to crawl into a ball and cry.

So, that is how our first family WDW experience went. I plan for us to go again Jan 2013. I hope that's enough distance away that the little ones aren't nervous to go again.

Also, during this time I'm going to work on getting over my fear of flying so that we can fly down. I will not do anymore road trips.

Thanks for listening to me whine and pout.