Saturday, Vero to MK

Plex - Paul - DH
Lettripp - Lauryn - Wife!

We woke up at Vero and got straight to packing. We got our bags set, went downstairs for one more meal at Shutters (I had been dying to try their pancakes… and they didn’t disappoint!). We grabbed a luggage cart, which I rode back to the room . Paul brought the bags down and I refilled our mugs… and we were off! After a nice drive to MCO, we carried all of our things to the DME line. We found that it was much cheaper to have the rental car do a round trip return than drive to the parks and drop it off. The DME ride was a great way to get in the Disney mood!

We got to the resort, checked in, dropped off our bags opened our shades, excited to see the Magic Kingdom from our Magic Kingdom View room! However, when we opened the shade, all we could see was the Contemporary and the Grand Floridian. Hmmm. We walked onto the balcony, stepped far to the left, wrenched our necks and… ohhhh there is MK. Hmmm… not the best view for the number of points. We didn’t give it a ton of thought because we were starved. We grabbed our keys to the world and headed to The Wave for lunch. We both really enjoyed our meals. Paul had a soup and sandwich combo and I had a great chicken sandwich. The potato wedges were a healthy alternative to french fries and the ingredients all tasted fresh!

We went back to the room and Paul decided to call and make sure we got the room we paid for. Turns out, we had, but they would be happy to move us to a room with a better view on Monday! Sweet! We got our stuff and headed straight for Magic Kingdom!

We decided to head to MK via monorail even though we knew it wasn’t the most convenient way to get there. It was awesome to make the resort tour for once, knowing it is how we will get home in future days As soon as we got to MK we headed for the Emporium to purchase our Bride and Groom hats. It had been exactly one week since our wedding day so the woman at the counter wrote us up “1 week” anniversary pins. We built up quite a collection during this trip… from the pins we got at Vero to our “Happily Ever After” pins and a few we purchased, we may have to start collecting! On the way out we met another newlywed couple (from the UK… an ongoing theme as you will see) and we took pictures in front of the castle for them and they for us. After we left them, we walked a little further and were handed a pair of Fastpasses for Splash by a mother and son duo leaving the park! We did the same for others later in the week because, as always, it put a huge smile on our faces.

After grinning our faces off as we walked towards the castle, we banged a left and headed straight to PotC. Everyone was walking to the left so we headed right and walked on. After we “Yo, Ho, Ho’ed” we made our way to BTM and grabbed a fastpass. We walked on to Splash Mountain with our gifted fastpasses. It was quite hot and we didn’t get nearly wet enough but it is both of our favorite attraction at MK and it left us smiling. When we got off our fastpass wasn’t up for BTM so we headed for the Haunted Mansion. Walked through the interactive queue for the first time. I thought it was kinda neat!! Not really worth doing multiple times since the other line is shorter, but cool nonetheless. While in the line for HM we spoke to a large family with kids about the age of my students. Another trend on this trip – me talking to middle-school-kids and their families because I miss my students! After HM we headed back to BTM which was fun as always, aside from almost losing the ear hats!

After BTM we headed for Jungle Cruise and found that the line was more than 20 minutes so we fastpassed. We then walked to Pooh and saw another epic line so we turned around and decided it was DOLE WHIP time ☺ Ahhhhh favorite snack at MK. While we were sitting and enjoying these, this little girl ran by who had squeakers on her feet. As she ran by she watched us as if showing off her squeaky shoes. It was soooooo cute. As usual, I pointed out the level of cuteness and Paul looked at me and said “Not till you’re older” :-P Another recurring theme… Seeing adorable kids and remembering we are waiting a while before we start that part of our lives. After our Dole Whips we headed back to Jungle Cruise and were lucky to have a hilarious skipper… who commented that when I told Paul I wanted to go on a cruise, this was not what I meant! Lol

After Jungle Cruise we headed back to the room for a shower and change. We got into our dressy clothes and hopped the monorail to the Grand Floridian for the BEST MEAL OF OUR LIVES at Victoria and Albert’s. Between the ambiance, the service and the menu, this place was unlike anything we had ever experienced before. It was a diner’s DREAM. We didn’t do the wine pairings because we aren’t very knowledgeable about wine (give us microbrews any day but wine is a foreign language) but our waitress recommended a glass with our entrees that tasted delicious (and they didn’t charge us for it!). Even though the menu is prix fix, we decided to “splurge” on one course each. I got the abalone for my fish course (I’m drooling just remembering it) and Paul got the Kobe Beef for his entrée. He was able to cut his filet with a spoon – I kid you not. Nothing will ever beat this meal at WDW and we fully intend to go back someday in the future (after our wallets have recovered) because it was so completely worth every cent.

Sleepy and satisfied we exited the Grand Floridian and headed back to the Contemporary.

Next up: Epcot and more MK