Mom knows her time is short. Her body may live another 30 years but her mind will not. She wants to see and do all that she can now. Heck, I would feel the same way.

I want to be able to give her all of the experiences that I can. Otherwise, I would not be taking her to WDW and all of the other places. When I took her to WDW after the Doctors first released her to go last October. I thought that would be the one and only trip I would be able to take her on. Boy, was I wrong. I have had an amazing year with her. Now we are set to go again in just a month.

The problem is that she is asking to do things that I am not entirely comfortable with. She wants to ride "everything" this trip. That is the exact word she said to me today. After talking with her she feels that I am too protective. That is so odd. The child protecting the parent. But, that is what I have to do now.

She suffered a brain injury in an automobile accident and has dementia and Alzheimers. The Aricept has worked wonders and she has more good days and moments than bad now. Such a blessing! As I grow older she grows younger. She can walk, only she shuffles her feet along the ground because she has very little balance. If she picks a foot up off of the ground she will fall. Even sitting down she will lose her balance. She has a terrible time going up or down a step or curb. We use the wheelchair because it is not safe to the innocent people around her if she drives an ECV. Just ask the people she has run into at Wally World.

The question is where do I draw the line on the rides? She wants to ride them all. I know she can not climb in or out of the PoTC boats. So that is an easy "no." But she wants me to help her on the moving platforms so she can ride Peter Pan and the People mover. Well that scares me. I think I can get her on them safely, but would feel terrible if she stumbles. Should I try a moving platform? And if so which one would be the easiest one to try first? HM will stop the platform for her to load. But most others will not. I know the obvious rides to say "no" to, like Space mountain. But what about BTMRR? She wants to ride that. She rode Dinosaur last year and it scared her. If I was in her situation, I would not want anyone holding me back. But, I am torn with being the one to think rationally for her and being the one to let her enjoy all that she can.

Any advice would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.