Day 8- Disney Hollywood Studios,
DS - 13
DD - 13
Home: Boston, Ma
Staying at the Villas at Wilderness Lodge
July 16 -July 23

Wake up call came at 6am…. This was the 8th and final day of our trip. The final morning was met with uncontrollable tears and sadness, but my kids told me to man up so I got myself under control and stopped crying…lol, of course JK. We sadly got our stuff together and checked out. We checked our bags and got our boarding passes using the Resort Airline Check-in. After checking out and checking the bags we went to Roaring Forks for our final vacation breakfast, Maple Mickey Waffles for me. We had all voted the day before and the plan was to head back to DHS for the final day, and then be back at WL to catch DME at 3:05pm for a 6pm flight back to Boston. During breakfast I threw in a curve ball, I asked the kids if they would want to rent Sea Racers before we head off to DHS and of course they both did. We rented 2 racers, 1 for DD and DW and 1 for DS and myself. We went around Bay Lake and then across the water bridge by the Contemporary Resort to Seven Seas Lagoon. It was so neat being able to go out on Seven Seas Lagoon in control of our own boat and get so close to the MK, Grand Floridian, and the Poly. After we turned the boats in we hopped the bus to DHS. It was late morning so TSM was already out of the question, we slowly walked around to take in the sights on our last day. We decided to hit our park favorites, ToT and RR, we also had to make sure we got to see Indiana Jones before we left. After riding RnR and ToT we grabbed some cold drinks and Mickey Bars and found seats to watch Indiana Jones. It started getting late and we still needed to grab something to eat so we went to the Backlot Express for lunch, it was our first time eating here, typical CS. After lunch it was time to leave, our vacation at the parks was now officially over. On our way out of the front gates I took a look back at the bustling park and wondered if, or when, we may be back again.

We got to our bus stop to get back to the resort, and waited….. And waited….. And waited some more. The wait started getting ridiculous and it wasn’t just us, others in the bus queue also started to openly gripe wondering where this bus was. For some of the other resorts 3 busses each came and went while we all sat and waited for our 1. This was the longest we had waited for a bus all trip, and of course it was when we had to be back at WL to catch DME back to the airport. The bus finally pulled up, but we were told we still could not board, they were now going to switch bus drivers. The old driver and new driver talked for a few minutes, the new driver went over his checklist, checking tires, lights, etc. We were all finally given the ok to board the bus. Prior to pulling out the bus driver kept stopping and re-adjusting the right side view mirror. No exaggeration, it took him an additional 5+ minutes to get that mirror correct. Ok I get it, safety first! The bus finally starts out slowly, and stayed slow. This had to be the slowest moving bus ride all trip. Of course as we pulled up to the resort the DME bus was pulling out. I inquired about he next DME bus and was told one would be by in 30 minutes, no problem still plenty of time before our flight. I was given new vouchers for the next DME bus but was told not to let the driver know we missed the first bus, he might not allow us on in fear we could blame him if we missed our flight. Really? Anyways, the next bus came and we boarded. We got to the airport and through security still with over an hour left until our flight. We grabbed dinner at the Outback Steakhouse at MCO, boarded our flight, and took off on time. On a kind of funny note, on the flight home I sat next to the same exact people I sat next to on our way down. This is strange because I chose our flights and seats myself for our flights both ways, and had picked entirely different rows.

I have been to Disney about 10 times now since I was a child, my twins have now been there 4 times. I have to say this had to be one of the best trips to date. Even though the kids are older and are not as much into the characters or little kid activities, the quality time we all spent together was better than ever.