I've just recently started posting a bit again after being absent for quite a while. 2 boys, a husband and a full time job keep me busy

Can't believe my sons are 4 and 3 [we'll he'll be 3 on Thursday!] and I've totally got them hooked on Disney

I had been working for about the past 1.5 years at my son's all special needs school. My son has Sensory Processing Disorder and developmental delays [speech and cognition]. Anyway, it as really tough. And heartbreaking. We had lots of behavioral issues to the point where some students would throw desks, chairs, furniture, stab someone with any sharp object they can fine, kicking, biting, etc. I realized, that's not my line of work! God bless the people who ARE called to that!

Anyway, I'm off for the summer. I gave my resignation and have an interview tomorrow in a clerical position at a mainstream school! I'm excited I have several applications/resumes in at various places with some great promise! I'm excited to start a new journey!

We're still in little Lake Wales, FL [45 minutes from the Mouse! love it!].

I jut wanted to give a shout out to Ian too! I remember several years ago when I was really struggling with going back to work and not being a stay at home mom any more, Ian gave great advice that sadly I wasn't willing to listen too at the time. After finally following it I'm happier now And the truth is, as much as we DID sacrifice for me to stay home, it just literally and financially couldn't be done. But I had about 3 wonderful years at home and feel very blessed for that as well.

Sorry!! What a ramble! Just really wanted to say, yay...I missed Intercot!