Quote Originally Posted by jaredkari View Post
Ok Ok I realize this thread I started has gotten a little heated and I apologize. I have no problem with people using their phones while in line or walking around the parks. It is just completely rude during rides and when you see people ignoring their children.

Several people have said they have to be in contact with their office or work. Can someone explain to me what job they have where they have to talk to the office at 1:30 am on a Sunday night during EMH???? What job requires instant response that cannot wait 1 and a half minutes until Peter Pan is over?? Who the heck are these people constantly texting!!!!
I don't think this thread is heated at all. Just folks relaying their thoughts and experiences.

I doubt there is anyone doing business at 1:30am, but you never know. More than likely though, like it's been mentioned in this thread, it was just an enthusiastic Disney fan relaying their trip to others, and not realizing he/she was bothering those around them. Or maybe they did realize it....that would be the problem.