Hi all! Here's a link to the last report. If you want a list of who's along for the ride, check out part 1...

The plan was to wake up at 7am – yeah right! I set the alarm on my phone, but somehow missed Monday on the list of days for the alarm to work. So we actually woke up around 8:30 – at this point DAK had been open for a half hour (it was emh)! Bummer. When I went downstairs the real bummer was revealed. It was pouring! There were thunderstorm warnings all around and the wind was terrible. So it wasn’t such a big deal that we slept in. We thought perhaps the rain would let up, but no luck. So around 10:45am we finally headed out.

When we got to DAK, it was still pouring. But we had ponchos and rain covers for the strollers. We were ready to go! By the time we got situated, it was almost noon and we headed over to FotLK. Love that show! My little one loved it too. By this point in the trip, she was really showing a Mommy preference. She would not let anyone else hold her. As sweet and endearing as this was, it was also kind of a pain. She also freaked out in the stroller (being under the cover), so I had to hold her. Here’s a poncho tip if you have to hold a baby: put the baby’s head out the main head opening, covered by the hood and put your head in the arm hole. If you hold your poncho just so, you don’t get too wet.

After the show we went to the baby center to get organized. The rest of the group headed out for Bug’s life, but we hung back to shop and get DD2 more comfortable shoes (love those crocs). The group returned right away, apparently there wasn’t enough time before our ADR at the Tusker house. So off to lunch we went. We got in early, and the place was deserted! The meal was pretty good; they had a really nice selection. After lunch we headed over to NEMO! We had the reserved seating from lunch, so we went right in and got great seats. I was super excited for this one, since I’m always playing the music in the car. DD2 was enthralled. DD1 was singing along. When it was done DD2 kept asking “show”, “nemo”, “crush”, and “more show”. Now that we’re home she’s always asking for “blue world” and for nemo.

At this point everyone was worn down, and it was too late for naps. We hadn’t scheduled naps today due to Nemo, and tensions were running high. My family shopped in a nice dry store while the others went on Dinosaur. My DN is a huge dino fan. While we waited DD1 and I went to the bathroom and had a blast drying our ponchos in the hand dryer. We laughed so hard, it was one of my highlights of the trip. Funny how the little things are what really stand out. After that, we all did Bugs Life and then called it a day. I was sad we didn’t get to do the Safari or Everest or play in the boneyard, but what are you going to do?

Our original plan was to head over to CBR for a counter service dinner and to check out the resort. Since it was raining so badly we decided to go to the Contemporary instead and hit up their food court. This worked out fairly well and we were able to do a little shopping – I just love the stores there! Finally we headed for home. We decided to take cabs since it was still pouring. We put the kids down, and called a day! Tomorrow Epcot and our photo shoot!