So we stayed at POFQ right before they started the refurb. We were there in SEpt 2009. Our room needed a lot of help! To the point that we should of complained. Dirt marks all over the tub, dust galore everywhere in the room, etc etc. Anyways - we were not in the room that much.

We are going back in August 2012 (I know far away still). I can't decide if we should try POFQ again since it is done the refurb (queen beds I have been told, new tvs, etc). or try WL. I always wanted to try WL, but afraid that by 2012 it will need a refurb. Is it really worth almost 1000 more for that resort? Will I be happy? It is me, DH, and DD7 (in 2012). I like a clean room that isn't falling apart. We are hoping for free dining, so will have to pay regular room rates.

Thanks again!