As my name implies, I do payroll and HR for about 750 people (by myself no less). I just wanted to know when it became acceptable to call me up and be so rude and nasty to me? I've never been treated so badly as I am at the company I'm at now. And when I say something back, my boss jumps all over me and tells me I need to develop thicker skin!!
Today I had a nasty former employee call for the THIRD day screaming at me because SHE claimed 5 dependants and had no federal taxes with held. She's the one who filled out the W4 claiming that many even though it's just her and her daughter. And then she said she was going to sue me! And then told me to shut up!! I told her that the conversation was done and not to call me again and hung up. She then left a voice message for my boss and I swear if he jumps all over me I'll walk out! He can hear my side of the conversations as can the rest of the office and he still jumps all over me. The rest of the office just sits there and says how they can't believe how people treat me. Why can't he see this?
Then later this morning I got a very rude email from a current manager and I forwarded it to his District Manager. The District Manager set him straight and told him not to contact me again without including him because he's tired of this guy treating me like garbage.

Why can't my boss back me like this? I know that the owner sees this because he's mentioned having me report to someone else. All I want is a little support!