Great news!

Samuel Martin Nowicki (aka Bubba) arrived on December 26, 2010 at 6:21 a.m., weighing 5 lbs. 9 oz. and measuring 18". Since Sam was born 5 weeks premature, he needed a little extra care and is spending a little time in the NICU. He is doing extremely well and we hope to take him home tomorrow. All in all, he is a cute little bugger.

Yes, he was born the day of the big blizzard and we live in the hardest hit area of New Jersey, the part with all of the cars abandoned everywhere. My husband went home on Sunday around dinnertime to look in on our eldest son and couldn't get back to the hospital for two days. We live about three miles from the hospital, which should tell you how bad it was here.

I got released today and after basically living in the hospital for a month, I've gotten very used to it here and am saddened to leave because all of the staff here are wonderful, especially the nurses in the Antepartum unit who are just incredible.