I know that I may be a minority on here, but I am not pleased with direction of the new upcharge events. I know that AP bashing is common practice, but just questioning the value.

Why not go back to when you pay for attractions. That will change the lines too!

Plus the imagineers could come up with a way to upcharge for the things we like such as Madame Leota, or C3PO, or Captain Jack. Think of it. If you had to pay more for the features you enjoy versus a much more bland version, would you do it? Every attraction could have things that are cash cows for the company that way. Going back to ticket books just makes sense with the current direction of things.

Value people. That is all I am saying.

They always talk about how much an AP spends at the resort versus vacationers. I'm sorry but I still enjoy spending my money at the resort and do gladly when they have things that are interesting (to me).

I don't need Jack Skellington in every shop. Or Vinylmation in every shop. Or pins in every shop.

One thing that was formerly fun at the resort was shopping. There were things that you could only find in one "land". Back then it was sort of a rule of thumb to grab them when you saw them because they wouldn't be available anywhere else. Now if the same thing is available in every shop, what is the point to having different "themed" shops??

And while I am on the soapbox, what happened to CastMembers only being allowed to wear the uniforms in their own land? Sort of ruins the illusion to see a CM walking down Main Street U.S.A. carrying a doggie bag in their Tomorrowland costume.

Ok. End of transmission... . . .