Baby Abigail is here!

After a rough last few weeks of pregnancy, she is finally here! Satuday the 16th, I woke up in more pain than ever. No contractions just really achy and off feeling all day. Took my BF to work, and took m 2 year old for a donut. I walked around Walmart, hoping to kick start some contractions. Nothing. So I went home and just was lazy rest of the day. I felt horrible and even bending to change my 2 year old was excruciating. So mom came and got him. (my 11 y/o was at his dad's for the weekend) I went to pick up my BF from work around 6:30 and the contractions started on the way. I timed them but they were 10 minutes apart just like they had been every night that week, so I thought nothing of them. We went home and made pigs in blankets and watched the whole race. By the end of the race the contractions were getting rough and had moved to 7 minutes. I said, let's go get checked, just to see where we are.

Thank goodness I did. I thought I would be checked and sent home. But I was at 4 and baby was breech. So I had to have an emergency c-section. The c-section went great, I had an embarrassing panic attack while going numb, but then found it wonderful They gave me a spinal instead of the regular epi since it was sugery. Baby Abigail was born at 2:22 am Sunday Oct 17. She was 7 lbs and 9.5 oz, 20 inches long. My biggest baby so far. And I was only at 37 weeks according to my original due date. She was jammed way up in there and there was no way she would have been born naturally. She is so beautiful. Most c-sections mean a 4 day stay in the hospital. I got to go home Tuesday morning.

Since the pregnancy was so rough, the recovery has been easy and the baby has been amazing. I am getting more sleep now then I was before! She is just an angel and I am loving having her here.