DH (Brian, aka CanadianWDWFan) – Celebrating his new job
Me (Jennifer, aka Mickey’sGIrl) – Celebrating my 41st birthday
DS12 (Harry) – Celebrating his 12th birthday
DS6 (Euan) – Celebrating life, cuz it’s pretty good when you’re 6 and at Disneyworld!

Day 10 – Sunday May 30

We were up at 6, and out to our car and on the road by 7. We hit the airport and were checked in and through security by 8:30. We got some pastries from a bakery, and some coffee from Starbucks, then headed off to our gate to wait. Turns out we would be waiting longer than expected, as the plane coming down to get us had mechanical issues, and we had to wait on a charter to save us. We were eventually on our way home by 5:30, only 6 ½ hours late (and having spent 9 quality hours with our children and 150 others at that gate). We got home, and unpacked and into bed by 9:30, for it would be back to work and school the next morning.