I bet this particular board 'Nightlife...' used to get more activity when there actually was nightlife...I speak specifically of the night clubs that used to inhabit Pleasure Island. I know many people on this site have children and all that, but I really miss the clubs, the cheap liquor, the loud music, the rotating dance floor at Mannequins... Pleasure Island was a safe place for people of a certain age to blow off some steam and feed a different part of themselves. I love It's A Small World the same as the next guy, but that's not all there is to me...and I suspect, all of you who remember a time before you had children. I wish there was something like that again. I especially liked the fact that one could take the buses back to the resort...nobody had to drive in a less-than-optimal state. It was safe. And it's not as if people used to bring their kids to the clubs...they were all in bed by then, hopefully.

What do you miss that used to be part of your Disney nightlife experience?