One advantage to driving is being more flexible in your planning. When the snow flurries, rain and cold came for Saturday we could just add another day at the end. I already had an extra day figured in, so we were able to skip the parks completly over the weekend. This was good since it was also Marathon Weekend. We found out later that the marathon route goes through the parks even while the parks are open to the public.

All days were cool, but other than Saturday, sunny and clear. No shorts this trip. At AK people were still getting on Kali River Rapids even with temps in the upper 40's.

I didn' know they still had paper tickets, but for some reason they would not work properly in the turnstiles or FastPass machines and this really slowed down the lines.

We did get to see the monorail Tug. It was in acition at the Epcot staition. It appeared to be hooking up to a monorail that was stopped in the station.

The set got stuck during the Indiana Jones stunt show just before the airplane scene and they could not finish. The show was down for a few days after that.

Also at the Festival of the Lion King there was no princess in the show, only the other three hosts. That was kind of odd.

We did not run into any rude CM's and the guests were not too bad either. Although we could both live with out those tour groups.

Try the turkey sub at the Electric Umbrella, it was great.

Here are a few of the photos I took. Many are shots other than the ones you always see. And none were taken with a flash.
Check them out: click here

They look best full size, so look for that option near the top

Thanks for looking