I thought I'd share this feel good story with you......my relatives are regulars at the parks and trade pins ALLLLLLLLL the time, sometimes their trip over is JUST to walk around and look for new pins to trade.

I received this email last week:

So, we were walking thru Hollywood Studios past Ariel's show and Toy Story Mania ride approaching the Coke Bottle and I see 2 little boys about 5-6 years old with their parents standing near by. The two boys are examining the pin lanyard of one of the cast members who happened to be passing by so he got down on one knee to give the boys a better look. As I approach near to them I hear the cast member say, "well you need to have a pin to trade" then one of the boys looks at the other one and says "Oh I wish we had a pin !! At this time I am about even with them and happened to have 2 pins in my hand so I leaned in between the mom and dad and said "You know at Disney magical things when you say please !" In unison both the boys look up and say PLEASE so I held out my hand with the two pins, you would have thought they both just won the Christmas present jackpot ! They started squealing and doing the pee-pee dance, each took a pin and I told them to trade for what ever they wanted. I hardly even stopped walking, but as I started back to Paula and the girls I hear the mother say "that was just the pin fairy" so I turned and wished them all a Merry Christmas and just kept walking as the boys were REALLY looking hard at the cast members pins.

Just thought I'd share with all of you guys