Hi everyone,
DH and I recently switched from Verizon to AT&T for the IPhone and I have to say...I absolutely LOVE this phone. The Apps are great and it's so convenient to be able to be connected to everything online right on my phone. The one and only problem I have is AT&T's wireless service. It's absolute complete and total garbage IMO. I don't live in the middle of nowhere and my calls are dropped all the time. I can't even get my voicemail unless I'm in the 3G zone and that's not very often. My question is: Does anyone know if Apple will ever offer an IPhone for Verizon? I would switch back in a heartbeat if they ever did. I can't understand WHY Apple would want to be affiliated with such a terrible cell service. There was even an article on Yahoo the other day about how AT&T is rated the WORST carrier in the USA. Yes, the phone is great but at the end of the day you have to be able to actually USE the phone and with AT&T I can't use the features that I like so much MOST of the time. That's totally unacceptable... DH and I are thinking about cancelling our contract with AT&T and going back to Verizon. Has anyone else had a similar experience?