We liked to go for DW's birthday on 01/12 every year, but after a couple of years of no splash we changed it the the last few days of January/the first few days of February.

That year it was closed until the middle of February.

Last year we went so I could run the marathon, and it was closed only for the week surrounding the marathon.

This year I tried the end of January again because that would have worked last year, but now they are closed most of January and February.

We are DVC members and need to book our trips far in advance, so our off-season winter trip never has splash. This year they are also closing the pool at our hotel.

Also, I'm amazed that people think that Disney wouldn't close down splash extra long to save money in the off season. Two months is about 16% of the year. That is not needed for the refurb every year. But it is the "slow" season, so might as well take your time refurbishing it.

If I didn't also go in August I'd be extremely upset by this patern.