Is it considered wrong or rude to step aside and let other people board a full bus that is standing room only so that we can get a seat on the next bus?

Back in 2005, we tried to wait for the next bus one night, and the driver got very snippy with us about it, so we ended up boarding. I was pregnant at the time, which is why we tried to get a seat. Last year, we had our DS2 and, yup you guessed it, I was expecting again, and we decided to just board a standing-room only bus (rather than get yelled at again) and that was a nightmare! I had one hand on a pole while balancing myself and my squirmy DS (who only wanted Mommy to hold him). I finally just gave up and sat on the floor!

On one hand, if everybody all of a sudden refused to stand, it would obviously create problems, but on the other, sometimes it just seems safer to wait for another bus. For years, I've always cringed at seeing families struggling to balance children and strollers and diaper bags and whatever else while standing on a crowded bus and now I am one of those families! I do not expect anyone to give up their seat on the bus (though it is always nice to have that happen, I do not expect it), so that leaves us with this crossroad: to stand or wait!

This isn't about letting pregnant women or families with children get the seats first, I'm not trying to start that debate. I wouldn't want to do anything that is considered wrong, and I know with the amount of people at WDW, crowded buses are inevitable and a fact of life. I have seen people wait for the next bus before, but after that one driver snipped at us, I've been wary of it, which is why I wanted to bring this up here to finally get a right or wrong answer.

What do you think???