I sure could use some advice, you guys are always the best for that! My birthday is in November, and I really want to go for a 3 day weekend somewhere, just Dh and I. It's been a really long time since we've gone anywhere just the 2 of us, and is definitely needed. But... we have 2 boys, 13 and 16. I think I'm having the mom blues because Sean, my 16 yr. old, only has a couple yrs. left at home, and that's it. I feel like I need to hurry and plan all these things with him because soon he'll be gone! Please tell me you moms have had this issue. Anyhow, I would love to go to Disney's Hilton Head Resort and visit Savannah, it sounds so nice. But I feel bad, knowing the kids would just love it too! I feel like everything I do should be WITH them, because time is going so fast now! Before I know it, Sean will be gone, and Jacob soon after. Maybe I should just wait until the kids are gone? Ok, am I crazy?