We're back from another amazing WDW trip. One of the best ever. Lots of funny things, special treats and surprises this year, so without any more delay, this year.......

The Force Is With Us

Goofy: me a fun loving dad
Minnie: my sweet wife
Han Solo: my 15 yr old son, into sports and coasters
Young Indiana Jones: just 10 but the biggest Indy and Star Wars fan of all

Arrival Day

We had problems getting away from home and only got 3 or 4 hours sleep before our 6 AM flight from Memphis to ATL. Never a good thing getting to WDW already tired. Our connecting flight to MCO had Minnie and the boys sitting together, and i had the other isle seat. Seated next to me were 2 boys from Monterey Mexico, Hugo and Pato. There parents were a few rows back. "Are you going to Disney World?" "Yes" "Where are you staying" "Animal Kingdom" says Hugo. Hugo also told me he was 10 but he couldn't have been over 8. Pato was probably 5. They behaved themselves up until the last 20 minutes of the flight, when they began a pinching and ear twisting contest. I tried my best to distract them, "Look out the window, can you see Disney yet?" "Do i have to sit betwween you two?" But to no avail. I was grateful when we landed.

We made our way to ME, and a big thunderstorm splashed us as we boarded the bus. "Welcome to the sunshine state!" a CM says. But as we approach the Beach Club, the sun begins to pop out. I had requested a ground floor room and it was ready. Just 25 steps to the quiet pool door. Very convenient. We're hungry, so we go to ESPN club for a snack, then head to the Studios for a peek at Star Wars Weekends.

Last year, at MCO, i lost Indy's Jedi Training cap with several pins on it. I promised him we would come back to replace it. As we walked up to the gates i say, "I promised you we would come back." "A promise kept!" his reply. Wow that felt good. But something even better is coming right up.

Indy is really interest in getting David Prowse's (Darth Vader) autograph. People camp out all night for a guanteed fastpass, so first up, i go to Prowse's line to see how early i need to line up. Those in line all had standby passes, and the suggested times were all over the place. But a very nice lady says, "We have 2 tickets for Jay Laga'aia. We've already met him, so would you like them?" "YES, Thank You!" I find Indy. "Guess what? We get to meet Captain Typho right now!"

As we approach Jay's booth there are two people there, a CM named Bric, and a lady dressed in Star Wars garb. Jay walks in behind us and we get pics and autographs. He happily complains his hand is hurting from all the writing the last few days. When we're done i walk over to the lady. "You look like a true Star Wars fan. My son really wants to meet David Prowse, so how early should we be here tomorrow?" Before she can respond Bric jumps in. "This is Mrs. Luke Skywalker. She has never missed one day of any Star Wars Weekends." "Wow! Let me get your photo!" i say as she and Bric pose. I then ask Bric my question. He turns to Indy and says, "Do you want to meet Darth Vader?" Indy nods yes. "Do you really, really want to meet him?" "Yes, Yes!" "Would you be my best buddy?" I jump in, "I appreciate what you are doing, but we are planning to come back tomorrow." "Don't worry. Come on." Bric escorts us in where Prowse is signing autographs, speaks to a CM and tells us to stand here. The other CM's are uneasy at our presence. One says, shaking his head,"Some of these people camped out last night." "I am aware how hard it is to get this autograph, but it appears i spoke to the right person." i reply.

As soon as the other groups get their photos, the CM motions us to meet David Prowse. "This is one of your biggest fans." he says of Indy. David is very polite, asks my son his name and signs a photo. The CM's take our picture and we're done. "There are still more people outside. But you can quit now." a very meek CM tells Prowse. "No bring them in." he says as we exit.

We go back and find Bric. "You are the reason we come back to Disney World every year." i tell him. "It is because of people like you that do special things like this. That's what brings us back, and i can't thank you enough." We are all near tears. We hug, shake hands and say goodbye.

Wow! We haven't been in the Studios for 1 hour and already have met Vader. The legend himself. We meet up with Minnie and Solo, and tell them our good fortune. Bric has saved the day for me. I am not sure i could get up at 3 AM two days straight.

From there we ride TSM. Posted at 50, but was only a 30 minute wait. The shortest we would see that line all week, at that time of day. Solo and i visit the Aerosmith guys and get in the last car. Very cool ride. Then we all meet for the Hyperspace Hoopla. Lots of fun. The dance routines were great, but there were fewer characters dancing in the crowd this year. Still, i enjoyed it very much.

After the Hoopla we make our way back to the Beach Club. We relax and get Spoodles pizza as a late dinner, and ate by the pool. Solo loves it, but it was a bit dry for my taste. Some people from New York asked us how the pizza was. "Since you guys are from New York i'm saying you're probably not going to like it."

Exhausted, we settle into our comfy beds. "Thank you Bric, i don't have to wake up at 3." i say to myself as i fall asleep. This has to be our best arrival day ever.