For my 500th post, i would like to ask everyone to answer the question, "What has given you the biggest grin at WDW?" Not just a good smile - but an ear to ear, face hurting grin that stayed with you a while.

There have been several times this has happened to me, but the one time that my face actually hurt was watching the Hyperspace Hoopla at SWW in 2007.
We had just arrived at WDW, and went straight to the Studios. At the SW stage the John Williams music was playing, some characters from the movies began to mingle and dance with the crowd, (R2D2 was right next to us!) and on the platform there was a "dance off" between Luke, Vader and Chewey. It's hard to explain, but i felt like i had just walked into the best party - ever. And i was so caught up by all this, that i nearly wept with joy. That is when i noticed that my face was hurting from the huge grin!

So tell me some of your happy stories of giant grins. I can't wait to read 'em.