I have recently been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and have been on Avonex for about 8 months. I have been having some "issues" the past several years, with the most severe causing me to be hospitalized back in December of 2007. All in all, it is good to know what is wrong with me.

To get to the point, because of my MS, I am concerned about my stamina at the parks. We typically take it easy on our WDW vacations. We are planning on going to MK on Sunday, March 22nd first thing. We have reservations for Crystal Palace at 8:05 AM. We plan on spending some time at MK, then head over to Epcot, only to return at MK for the 11:00-2:00 AM EMH. I also plan on resting for 3-4 hours prior to returning to MK for the EMH.

My wife and I have a 15 yr old, 13 yr old, and 4 yr old. I know the 15 and 13 yr old very much want to return to MK for EMH. I don't want to disappoint them. I have considered renting a wheelchair for the theme parks, but I don't want to embarrass them as well.

I have nearly made a complete recovery from my bout back in December of 2007. The only residual effect is the lack of feeling in the bottom of my feat. They can hurt pretty bad at the end of a day. I also experience some fatigue, but not always.

So... If anyone has any suggestions on how to deal with this, I would certainly appreciate it.