Through a series of unfortunate events (or fortunate, depends on which perspective you are taking it from) my brother may soon be the owner of a chocolate lab/pitbull mix. Long story short, a friend found the dog darting in and out of traffic, it's about a year old, and it hasn't been claimed from the shelter which is a kill shelter. If the owners don't claim the dog tomorrow my brother is going to go on weds and most likely will foster the dog and maybe eventually own it. The problem is, the only dog we had died when he was 8 and I was 4. The most complicated pet we've ever owned is a rabbit. We don't know what to expect (I keep using we because my brother lives next door and while it will be his dog, I am going to be helping a lot).

Does anyone know anything about the temperament of these dogs? It is only about a year old and is in good health, but we are nervous because it does have Pit in it and was picked up in a dog fighting area. However it had a harness and it's nails were trimmed, but no tags.

Another problem is that we both have mild dog allergies. I can play with a shih tzu all day, but seem to be mildly allergic to my fiance's aunt's Portugese Water Dog (which is supposed to be a good dog for people with allergies).

We have a lot of friends who said they will give my bro the dog items they no longer use, but I just want to be fully prepared if or when this pup comes home with us.