So I am going to Disney World next month, first time w/ food allergies/intolerances. I've done a lot of research, and have a pretty good idea of what to do. I'm making all my reservations on monday, but had a couple questions.
Most people on a GF diet end up eating a lot of salads and potatoes when they go out to eat. First of all, how do I do the salad thing DF (I am SOOOO tired of italian dressing)? Second of all, I am intolerant to potatoes. What are some good alternative side dishes I can ask for/expect?
What is the best thing I can bring into the park w/ me?
I am also on an IBS diet...meaning low sugar/fat/red meat diet. How does this alter my options? I do enjoy the occasional sweets, and usually can handle them if I eat my fiber. What are the choices there for desserts?
