Does anyone on this board have experience with adult ADHD? I have been diagnosed with it this week and am at odds with myself. It explains so much but I guess I'm not really sure what to do next. I have started taking Adderall but I'm not sure how to judge whether it is helping me or not so I can tell my therapist on the 30th. I've ordered a couple of books from Amazon but I am hoping someone might have some advice or insight to help me.

I really hope the meds, therapy, and books help me because I've become so frustrated with my job. During these hard times I really don't want to give my employer a reason to choose me as one of the 1,100 people being laid off at my company. My self esteem is pretty low, which I guess is a common thing with an adult with ADD, so I beat myself up over things quite a bit.

On the bright side, I have made a great accomplishment this year. I found out yesterday that I passed my final section of the CPA exam. It has been extremely time consuming and difficult for me to find the focus to get through this exam but I am so proud of myself for making it. I just would not let myself give up. That is one thing I can say about myself ... I am not a quitter no matter how tough it is.

Thank you for any responses.