So today was all free to do whatever else we wanted to repeat and some new stuff. Off we went to MK in hopes of meeting Tinkerbell. We got there as they were singing by the train and off we went to Toontown. The area opens at 10, it was 9:15 and the rope was across so we went to get a snack and voila, Ariel was in the Grotto! We waited 45 minutes last time we went and could not believe that we walked right in. Seeing my DD with her again was a definite highlight.

So we ate some snacks and headed back over to Toontown. There were people at the rope already. A CM came and opened it up early and guided us in so no one got trampled. I had read that the right hand side was for the fairies so we got right into that. Truly, only about a 15 minute wait and then my dream came true, I met Tink. It was almost as exciting for me as when I met Donald......

The fairies were great, the attention to detail was great and we loved it.

We toured Minnie's house next (which I had never done) and it was kind of neat. Very busy with a lot of little ones for sure!

We went to see the Monster's Ink Laugh Floor, another attraction we had not seen as they were building it the last time we went. How hilarious! Love Roz!

Then we decided to eat lunch at the All Star Sports Resort. We had never been there and wanted to see what it was like. We ate there, had a good meal, and went walking around the resort to see what it was like. It rained for about 10 minutes and then it was all clear. It was interesting to see the older resorts.

We headed to AK next. Upon getting through the line we saw characters and off we went. Timon, Meeko, Rafiki, Flik, Baloo Bear and Brer Bear were there. They were all so great!

Of course we hit the safari again. It is so different every time. We went to Rafiki's planet watch and met Pocohantas. DD loved this part of AK.

We had an early ADR at Boma. I had the flu the last time we were down there on the day slated for Boma so this was my first time at AKL and Boma. OMG I love it there. The food was great, service was great, atmosphere was heavenly. I loved it.

Then we headed to DD to shop around, again, and found Captain Jack made out of Mega Bloks and it was awesome!

We at one point during these few days went to the Boardwalk, Swan and Old Key West. Our goal was to just take the time to visit other resorts in case we cannot rent points at some point. I really liked Pop Century. The store there was awesome. It is very loud though!

Thursday was our last day there. It was a free day and I honestly don't remember what we did other than Tom Sawyer at MK and shopping. Our last meal there was in Mexico at San Angel. The food was great, service was slow and I would definitely eat there again.

Friday morning at 5:30 we headed for the aiport. All flights went as planned and we were back in Maine by 1:18 with my mom and dad waiting to hear all that I just typed.

Experience learned from this trip: don't make any AM ADR's because we function better at night that in the AM (and this time we didn't have any AM ADR's), see at least one parade, don't miss Illuminations, don't spare more than 1 whole day for MGM, do the dining plan, it does save money and most of all, do what you want when you want and be a kid!!!!!! (dickinsons94)