In response to "growing out of visiting WDW" from that last topic... Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy myself going to WDW and I'd just love to go again soon, I'm just not as obsessive over it anymore, because, you know, I'm too cool for all that geeky Disney stuff now... heh (although I'm dying to go to Disneyland again. ok, fine, I'm still a Disney geek )

So, I tried out this Elf Island game and here's my opinion/review of it...It looks nice, but the thing that bothers me the most is the same thing that frustrated me about VMK - you can only chat with others via the pre-approved dictionary of words

I think I'm old enough to know what I should or shouldn't say to people over the internet. When I was playing VMK, I wasn't old enough and didn't have good judgement, so I'm glad those rules and restrictions were there then (even though I managed to get my way around the rules anyways). But I don't need that now.

It's good to know that there are games where younger kids can play safely in this strange, scary post-VMK apocalyptic world we are living in though.

I talked to a moderator on Elf Island about it all, and she reassuringly explained that the game caters to younger kids so it's important that those rules and restrictions are there. Which is great! But, I guess this game just isn't for me since I'm in it more for talking to people and socializing more than the actual gaming aspect.

I suppose I'm just not up for some Good Ol' Innocent Family-Friendly Online Gaming anymore.

So as my good friend Sarah Palin would say... Thanks, But No Thanks.

But... I'll still continue to try it out whenever I'm bored (look me up on there, my name is WDWizard - the guy with the bright purple shirt and green hair), and post here on Intercot.
