My DH's sisters called last week to say that they want to come visit William for his birthday in a couple of weeks We are excited about this, one of his sisters hasn't met him yet. They are planning on staying a week.

DH told them that we would love to see them, but as we stated previously in EVERY conversation about visitors We only have room for 1 person to stay in our house at a time. Our "guest room" which is technically our son's room is quite small, about 7x8. It currently holds a twin bed, a dresser and a changing table. Even if the dressers were taken out, there isn't enough room for another bed. Our couch is a vintage bamboo sectional, not at all suitable for sleeping. As we have stated in EVERY conversation we have ever had with his family about visitors, if there is more than one person at a time, a hotel room is the best option. There are 3 bed and breakfasts within a 1/2 mile radius, not to mention dozens of hotels in a three mile radius.

Also, our son's birthday party is being held at my mother's house in the suburbs and our car isn't big enough for everyone to get there.

DH tells them that he'll talk to me about it this weekend and call them back. This morning we received a message from them, that they have purchased their plane tickets and are staying with us.

I don't know what to do. I don't want to be a big jerk to DH's family, but the thought of having two house guests in our small house is already stressing me out. I don't know how I'll feel after having them there a few days, much less a week! Aaaaargh!!

Any thoughts? Advice?